
Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dental treatments at 4A Dental

Cosmetic dentistry is a term used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance of the teeth or gums. This can be as simple as smoothing/ reshaping an unsightly tooth which could take a few minutes to a full smile makeover. Sometimes simply replacing metal fillings in the smile line or replacing a crown showing a dark line under it can make a huge difference and improve confidence.
We are here to talk through the options and come up with the best solution for each individual circumstance

Veneers in Rochdale

Ideal for those who want to make minor changes to their smile, veneers are often considered the go-to treatment for anyone who doesn’t require extensive dental work. They are suited to a surprisingly large variety of aesthetic solutions, too – fixing chipped teeth, filling dental gaps, smoothing irregularities, correcting misalignment and whitening. They are also used in tandem with other cosmetic treatments, such as dental bridges. At 4A Dental our experienced dental team will be able to talk you through the options, including the cost of veneers in Rochdale and what they can do for your smile.

Fillings, inlays & onlays in Greater Manchester

These options can be a great cosmetic solution for those who don’t require extensive dental work. At 4A Dental we offer composite, or ‘white’ dental fillings, which are made from a putty-like material that can be sculpted to the exact shape of your tooth. You will barely be able to discern the filling once treatment has been carried out.

A filling might not be practical if too much of the tooth has been lost due to decay, wear or accidental damage. In this case, inlays and onlays provide a practical, long-term solution. Moulded from composite or porcelain into a custom fit, an inlay sits in a hole in the tooth, whereas an onlay sits over the top of the tooth, restoring its shape.

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Cosmetic bonding in Rochdale

If you want to correct flaws, imperfections and minor dental concerns, cosmetic bonding could be the ideal choice for restoring your smile. Cheaper and simpler than veneers, the cosmetic bonding procedure involves applying a dental composite material directly to the tooth, which can be manipulated to fill small gaps, fix chips, cover worn edges, whiten discoloured areas and reshape teeth. Consult the dental team at our Rochdale-based practice to find out if cosmetic bonding is right for you.

Veneers consist of very thin, handcrafted layers of porcelain, which cover the front surface of the tooth, disguising irregularities underneath.

If you have healthy gums and teeth, the chances are veneers will be a quick and simple solution for you. Patients with tooth decay, gum disease and root canal infections will need to have these issues treated prior to considering veneers, and it may be that your dentist recommends alternative treatments in these cases.

No! Sometimes we might use a local anaesthetic, but it's not always necessary and applying veneers generally involves minimal discomfort. Your cosmetic dentist will discuss your treatment in depth so you know exactly what to expect.

The porcelain veneer procedure usually requires two or more sessions with your dentist. Firstly the tooth is prepped: this involves removing a thin layer of enamel, and taking a dental impression, which will be used to fabricate your veneers – a process that usually takes a couple of weeks. When your veneers are ready, they will be bonded and cured using a special light-sensitive resin.

With proper care, your porcelain veneers can last up to 15 years.

Onlays are sometimes referred to as 'partial crowns' and are generally a less invasive, more affordable form of treatment.

Like crowns, inlays and onlays require the patient to provide a dental impression, which is sent to a dental technician who creates a tailor-made 'tooth'. Patients receive a temporary filling in-between dental appointments. When the inlay or onlay is ready, your dentist will permanently bond it into place.

No! just like with fillings, you can expect to receive a local anaesthetic and a pain-free procedure.

Typically, inlays and onlays are more durable than fillings and can last as long as 30 years.