
General Dentistry

Family dentist in Greater Manchester

If you feel no pain and have a pretty healthy-looking smile, it can be tempting to skip a few dental appointments – but here at 4A Dental we want to change that perception. A regular check-up with your family dentist in Rochdale is the key to keeping that healthy smile for decades to come. We will not only be able to spot any underlying problems that you might not be aware of, but will also advise and gently remind you about the little things, such as regular brushing and flossing, that make a big difference to your overall health and mitigate against costly future procedures.


Check-up checklist

  • Professional examination of your mouth, teeth and gums
  • Enquiries about you, your general health and any specific dental problems you may have experienced recently
  • Enquiries about your lifestyle and advice on diet, alcohol and smoking
  • Advice on good cleaning practices and ways to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy
  • Diagnosis of any problems and explaining a treatment plan
  • A clear explanation of any treatment you may require, the costs involved and any risk it may incur
  • A mouth cancer screening, to check for early signs or pre-cancerous changes in the mouth and throat
  • Advice on your next course of action and booking a return appointment

Book you Consultation

Simply complete the form and let us know what treatments you are interested in. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange your appointment.


The vast majority of us will have experienced a filling – and although our fear of the filling has become a well-worn cliché, the good news is that the procedure is quick and simple. At 4A Dental we offer tooth-coloured composite, or ‘white’, fillings which, unlike metal fillings, are almost impossible to distinguish from your natural teeth.


If your mouth is overcrowded or a tooth is diseased, a dental extraction is sometimes a necessary measure. At 4A Dental our experienced dental surgeons are skilled at removing teeth smoothly and painlessly, with minimal impact on surrounding teeth and gums.

Feeling nervous?

You’re not alone – few people actually enjoy being in the dentist’s chair and at 4A Dental we understand that many of our clients may feel trepidation or even dental phobia prior to a treatment. Our promise to you is to ensure you know exactly what to expect; the dentist will not go ahead with any treatment unless the client is happy. If you’re at all concerned, please speak to us before your appointment so we can discuss ways of easing your fear.